Friday, September 19, 2008

I hate my roommate and she needs to FOAD.

Things I can deal with:
  1. The insane workload of law school.
  2. The mess of my room, because it really isn't that bad, it's just boxes and a big suitcase of clean laundry and several pairs of shoes.
  3. The boxes in my room. 
Things I absolutely cannot deal with:
  1. Having to ask my roommate to throw out rotted fruit. Not rotting fruit, rotted fruit. That's right, it's been sitting there rotting/molding for two weeks, and I had to ask her to please take care of it.
  2. Opening my fridge to find moldy tomatoes from three weeks ago.
  3. Opening my fridge to find a container of spicy fried anchovies on top of my cheese. *HISS*
  4. The case of beer taking up the entire bottom shelf of my fridge, from three weeks ago. Not in boxes.
  5. The whole watermelon from three weeks ago that she hasn't eaten yet.
  6. My apartment smells like, alternatingly, fried Asian food and rotting fruit.
  7. My roommate asking me at school if I'm "okay" because she hasn't seen me in... a day. What the eff?! I do not believe this is part of the roommate deal, and I have never had anyone freak out and ask me if I was "okay" after not seeing me for like 36 hours. Honestly. W. T. FFFF!!! She is not my mother, and I am not accountable to her, nor do I have to inform her of when I am or am not coming home. We are 24, and honestly, if she wanted a roommate that cares, she should have posted about that in her roommate ad, because I did not sign up to literally hold someone's hand when she makes large purchases online. (Yes, I did that. She actually interrupted me and boyfriend while we were watching a movie.)
  8. She interrupts me, and everyone else, when we are talking, to try to guess what we're about to say. I have been patient so far, but that got old the first time she did it.
  9. She knocks on the door while opening it. As we well know, the correct sequence is knock, await response, then enter if invited in. (Advice from a friend: "Start being naked in your room at all times. This will work. I promise." ...She's okay with nudity. Well, more like she will walk around in her underwear. WTF. I am not comfortable with this.)
  10. Bitch needs to close my bedroom door when she cooks her vile food so it doesn't stink up my linens.
  11. She doesn't clean out containers before placing them in the recycling bin. As we well know, this contaminates the entire, large bin in the garage, and the recycling company or whatever then just... throws it in the trash instead of recycling it. So, her carelessness is actually costing the world money.
I haven't been this bitter since I had to work 26 days in a row for DoucheBob. I am just constantly in a bad mood because of this situation.

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